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  1. Annie (En japonés: アニー también llamada " Annie de las Estrellas ") y sus aventuras la han hecho una figura popular en todo el país, siendo su adaptación de televisión para niños "Annie y las Aventuras de Sagan" algo inevitable. El éxito del programa radica en su pareja de huéspedes de acción en vivo, que son tan convincentes como ...

  2. Annie now stars in the Anti-Skullgirls children's show and is much older than she appears. She hides her obvious immortality by changing her hairstyle, so nobody seems to notice and simply regard her as being an actress.

  3. Annie is a combo machine, with a wealth of tools available to keep her combos going longer than many characters would dare to dream. With a little help from her parasite Sagan she also has access to several long range tools that can pin opponents in place and let Annie get back into close range...

  4. Annie is a high-damage midrange-rushdown character with a well-rounded set of tools for any situation. Small Hurtbox: Annie has a small hurtbox, allowing her to be quite evasive. She can also use certain moves such as 2LP to shrink her hurtbox even more.

  5. D. Violet and Annie in costumes, D. Violet is dressed as Huntress while Annie is dressed as Stargirl with Sagan as S.T.R.I.P.E. from DC Comics

  6. Más peligrosa de lo que aparenta y valiente como nadie más en todo el cosmos, ella es... ¡ANNIE DE LAS ESTRELLAS! ¡La chica a quien la maldición del Skull Heart impide crecer, Annie (y su fiel parásito externo Sagan) se une por fin al elenco de Skullgirls! ¡Silencio, se rueda!

  7. hice una pequeña guia mostrando los movimientos que tiene Annie en Skullgirls y las propiedades de cada ataque.-----...