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  1. Robert Falcon Scott (Plymouth, Reino Unido; 6 de junio de 1868-Barrera de hielo de Ross, Antártida; c. 29 de marzo de 1912) fue un oficial de la Marina Real Británica y explorador que lideró dos expediciones a la Antártida: la Expedición Discovery (1901-1904) y la malograda Expedición Terra Nova (1910-1913).

  2. This is a statue commemorating the life of Robert Falcon Scott the explorer who made two expeditions to Antarctica. During his second expedition in 1912 he reached the South Pole only to discover his rival Norwegian Amundsen had beaten him to it.

  3. La estatua del capitán Robert Falcon Scott dentro de la base naval de Portsmouth fue esculpida en 1915 por su viuda, Lady Kathleen Scott, después de una comisión del comandante del HMS Vernon y sus oficiales de naves como tributo al gran explorador y su última expedición.

  4. Statue of Robert Falcon Scott, Christchurch, New Zealand, sculpted by his widow Kathleen Scott. In the dozen years following the tragedy, more than 30 monuments and memorials were set up in Britain alone, including the foundation of the Scott Polar Research Institute at Cambridge.

  5. Sculpted by Kathleen Scott, his widow. There is a replica, in Christchurch, New Zealand, carved in marble, white as the Antarctic.

  6. Discover facts about the life and death of 'Scott of the Antarctic' (Robert Falcon Scott). Read about his expeditions, and his attempt to be the first to reach the South Pole.

  7. La estatua de Robert Falcon Scott conmemora al explorador antártico Robert Falcon Scott. Se encuentra en la intersección de Oxford Terrace y Worcester Street en Christchurch Central City , Nueva Zelanda.