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  1. 7 de dic. de 2016 · In mid-March of 1953, at the age of 28, she arrived in the northeastern region of the Congo (later named Zaire). In the first two years, she founded a training school for nurses, training women to serve as nurse-evangelists, who in turn would run clinics and dispensaries in different regions.

  2. 17 de dic. de 2020 · Helen Roseveare fue una misionera, médica y autora inglesa. Trabajó en el Congo durante más de 20 años en medio de un ambiente lleno de adversidades. Escucha este artículo en formato podcast: Esta mujer sirvió como médica misionera, atendiendo y formando a otros, durante más de 20 años en África.

  3. Helen Roseveare fue una misionera cristiana que dejó un legado duradero en el campo de la misión y la atención médica en África. Su dedicación y valentía la convirtieron en un referente para miles de personas en todo el mundo.

  4. Helen Roseveare (21 September 1925 – 7 December 2016) was an English Christian missionary, doctor and author. She worked with Worldwide Evangelization Crusade in the Congo from 1953 to 1973, including part of the period of political instability in the early 1960s.

  5. Helen Roseveare is widely-recognised as one of the most courageous and influential missionaries of the 20th century. She served in the Belgian Congo (later Zaire, now DRC) for 20 years, from 1953 to 1973, then had a long and fruitful ministry in writing and speaking.

  6. 29 de sept. de 2007 · (Helen H. Lemmel, “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” [1922]) So just for a minute, before we think about our perseverance in following him, let us pause in order not to forget his perseverance with us — with you and with me.

  7. At first, Helen was based at Ibambi where she worked hard to set up a hospital and training centre. She was passionate to train national workers as 'nurse-evangelists', (10) who could use their medical skills as a springboard for taking the gospel to the Congolese.