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  1. Eagle parents protect their chicks from the cold and the heat. On sunny days, parents sometimes spread their wings to produce shade for the chicks. After hatching, chicks are wet, exhausted, and nearly blind. Their eyes, dark brown in color, are closed, but open after a few hours.

  2. Bald eagle chicks typically fledge after around 10 to 14 weeks but can stay in and around the nest for the following 2 to 3 months. Parental feeding continues during this time, and the juvenile eagle will not leave to establish its own territories until up to 6 to 8 months or so after hatching.

  3. How do eagles feed their chicks? The adult eagles will hunt food, tear it up, and use their beaks to feed it directly to their chicks. There’s no regurgitation process like there is with other birds - the chicks swallow pieces of meat whole.

  4. It is estimated that during the first three weeks of the hatchlings’ life, the female spends about 90% of the time on the nest taking care of the eaglets while the male brings food for the mother and babies.

  5. Bald eagles are altricial, which means they must rely 100 percent on their parents to protect them and care for them. It can take days for them to completely hatch from the first pip to being totally free from the shell (in the nest of Romeo & Juliet in Florida, the first eaglet hatched (NE16) in 2016 took 40 hours to complete the process.

  6. Baby eagles have a diverse diet that largely depends on the availability of food in their habitat. Their primary source of nutrition includes fish, small mam...

  7. From inside the egg the chick pokes a hole in the membrane separating it from the air bubble at the top of the egg shell. Still inside the egg, the chick takes its first breath into the air bubble. and draws in its first breath.