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  1. 27 de mar. de 2020 · Francisco Urra, curador del Área de Entomología, nos cuenta sobre la importancia de las estructuras genitales de los lepidóperos, comenzando por los machos. Estructuralmente los insectos del orden Lepidoptera (mariposas y polillas) presentan pocas variaciones morfológicas.

  2. The speciose insect order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) and their closest relatives, Trichoptera (caddis flies), share a female-heterogametic sex chromosome system. Originally a Z/ZZ (female/male) system, it evolved by chromosome rearrangement to a WZ/ZZ (female/male) system in the most specie …

  3. 21 de dic. de 2011 · Lepidoptera, i.e. moths and butterflies, have a female heterogametic sex chromosome system, with most females having a WZ constitution while males are ZZ.

  4. 6 de ago. de 2021 · Evolution of dsx regulation from sex-specific splicing to male-specific transcription may have occurred at an early stage of social evolution in termites.

  5. 21 de sept. de 2016 · We describe the presence of neo-sex chromosomes in moth and butterflies (Lepidoptera), the largest group with female heterogamety. Despite the relative stability of lepidopteran karyotypes, fusions which result either in multiple sex chromosomes (W 1 W 2 Z or WZ 1 Z 2 ) or large sex chromosome pairs occurred at a surprisingly high ...

  6. 18 de jul. de 2022 · A comprehensive resource of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) events in 218 insects acquired from non-metazoan sources provides insight into the adaptation of HGTs in insect genomes with the discovery of a functional role for the gene LOC105383139 in male courtship behavior in lepidopterans.

  7. 26 de nov. de 2012 · Survey of same-sex sexual interactions (SSSI) in Lepidoptera; with exception of Acraea encedon, all reports are of interactions between males. This paper has two objectives. The first is to add more reports of SSSI in Lepidoptera to those listed in Bagemihl ( 1999 ).