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  1. Sadie Marie Bennett, or Suicide Sadie, is a Creepypasta character created by pnckes. What was once a normal life, Sadie's life began to spiral into tragedy after tragedy before killing herself in an act of escapism. After becoming a ghost, she grew inspired to protect adolescents from abuse...

  2. ¡soy sadie marie bennett y mi vida es un pedazo de mierda!—. ¿Por qué le gritaba a mi reflejo? Tomé el cuchillo de mi madre (Con el que dormía), y empecé a mirarlo de forma divertida mientras temblaba.

  3. Cuando su padre entró para ver cómo estaba, Sadie se materializó frente a él, lo poseyó e hizo que le cortara la garganta, esencialmente escenificándolo como una especie de asesinato-suicidio. Después de la muerte de Sadie, estaba decidida a que nadie pasara por lo que ella había pasado.

  4. Sadie Marie Wheeler más conocida como Suicide Sadie es la protagonista titular de Suicide Sadie y deuteragonista femenina en happypasta y ex miembro de Creepypasta. La mejor amiga de Sadie es Jane the Killer.

  5. Sadie Marie Bennett, commonly known as Suicide Sadie, is a suicidal ghost created by RedSquirrellyGirl (previously known as pnckes). What was once an ordinary life, Sadie's life began to spiral into tragedy after tragedy before killing herself in an act of escapism.

  6. Suicide Sadie is a creepypasta OC created by Pnckes. Sadie Marie Bennet's mother died of cancer, which mentally took a toll on her and her father. Her father became very depressed and used alcohol as an outlet, eventually taking out his emotional and physical rage out on his own daughter.

  7. On her year of eighteenth birthday, Sadie had enough and decided to commit suicide. She slit her arms, and when she wanted to stab her throat, she accidentally sliced deep into her left eye. Subsequently recovering from her shock, Sadie finally plunges her knife into her jugular, eventually dying from blood loss.