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  1. a n. 1 (=act of snatching) arrebatamiento m. to make a snatch at sth intentar arrebatar or agarrar algo. 2 * (=theft) robo m , hurto m. (=kidnapping) secuestro m. jewellery snatch robo m or hurto m de joyas. 3 (=snippet) trocito m. to whistle snatches of Mozart silbar trocitos de Mozart.

  2. snatch verb [T] (TAKE QUICKLY) C2. to take hold of something suddenly and roughly: He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them. figurative Running the best race of his career, Fletcher snatched (= only just won) the gold medal from the Canadian champion.

  3. Traducciones en contexto de "snatching" en inglés-español de Reverso Context: purse snatching.

  4. Mira 22 traducciones acreditadas de snatching en español con oraciones de ejemplo, conjugaciones y pronunciación de audio.

  5. (act of snatching) tirón nm : arrancada nf : arrebato nm : The thief's snatch for Alex's phone was unsuccessful. El tirón que pegó el ladrón para robarle a Alex el teléfono no tuvo éxito.

  6. snatch verb [T] (TAKE QUICKLY) C2. to take hold of something suddenly and roughly: He snatched the photos out of my hand before I had a chance to look at them. figurative Running the best race of his career, Fletcher snatched (= only just won) the gold medal from the Canadian champion.

  7. snatch. a n. 1 (=act of snatching) arrebatamiento m. to make a snatch at sth intentar arrebatar or agarrar algo. 2 * (=theft) robo m , hurto m. (=kidnapping) secuestro m. jewellery snatch robo m or hurto m de joyas. 3 (=snippet) trocito m. to whistle snatches of Mozart silbar trocitos de Mozart.