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  1. 12 de oct. de 2023 · Discover the life of Al Hasan ibn Ali, and his enduring legacy in Islamic history. Explore his leadership and contributions. By Who Muhammad Is. on October 12, 2023. ... Learn about Al Muhsin ibn Ali, a figure of significance in Islamic history. Discover his life and contributions. By Who Muhammad Is. on October 14, 2023.

  2. Las fuentes shiítas han indicado que Muhsin Ibn Alí (P) fue martirizado por causa del aborto causado a su madre (P). Los siguientes sabios e historiadores shiítas han mencionado a Muhsin (P) ... Ibn Sabbaq, Ali, al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, Qom, 1379 hégira solar. Ibn Shahr Ashub, Muhammad, Manaqib Al Abi Talib, Nayaf, 1956.

  3. The Muhsin, son of Ali ibn Abi Talib from his wife Fatimah al-Zahra, the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad, is a subject of dispute regarding his existence among both the Shia and the Sunni. Those who believe in his birth unanimously agree that he died at a young age, but there is also a difference of opinion concerning the year of his birth and death.

  4. Abī Ṭālib (Arabic: علي بن أبي طالب) known as Imam ʿAlī (a) (b. 23 BH / 600 - d. 40 / 661) is the first Imam of all the branches of the Shi'a, a companion, a narrator, and a scribe of the Qur'an. He is the fourth caliph of the Rightly Guided Caliphs in Sunni Islam. Ali (a) is the cousin, and son-in-law of the Prophet (s), the ...

  5. Early Life Name. The Word “al-Hasan” in Arabic means good or beautiful. This name was chosen for Imam al-Hasan (a) by the Prophet (s). According to a hadith, this name was chosen by God's command, and did not have a precedent in pre-Islamic history. According to some Sunni sources, before the Prophet (s) chose the name al-Hasan for his grandson, Imam Ali (a) had the names Hamza or Harb in ...

  6. The Third Imam, Husayn Ibn ‘Ali (as) Second son of Fatima (sa) and ‘Ali (as) Husayn (as) was born on 3rd Shabaan, 4th year of Hijri (10.1.626 AD) When he was born the Holy Prophet was given the news of the birth of his 2nd grandson. He arrived at the house of his daughter, took the little baby in his arms, said the Azan and Iqamah in his ears.