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  1. 17 de abr. de 2024 · Cleopatra V Berenice III. Very little evidence has survived about the nature of their reign, but there is just enough to hazard a guess about the couple’s power dynamics. Cleopatra Berenice may not have wielded much personal power at first, acting more as a basilissa-consort than co-ruler during the initial period of their joint reign.

  2. Ptolemy IX and Berenice III starting in or shortly before Epeiph of his year 3619. As noted above, the dual date year 2 = year 1 cannot be explained as a coregency between Berenice III and Ptolemy XI. However, there is again a second possibility: that the date represents the transition between Berenice Ill's regime and that of Ptolemy XII.

  3. Berenice of Cilicia, also known as Julia Berenice and sometimes spelled Bernice ( Greek: Βερενίκη or Βερνίκη, Bereníkē or Berníkē; 28 – after 81), was a Jewish client queen of the Roman Empire during the second half of the 1st century. Berenice was a member of the Herodian Dynasty that ruled the Roman province of Judaea ...

  4. 27 de may. de 2019 · Berenice II Euergetis (c. 267-221 BCE) was a pre-eminent Hellenistic queen, who ruled together with her husband Ptolemy III (r. 246-221 BCE), when the Ptolemaic kingdom was at the height of its power, dominating most of the eastern Mediterranean.Even before her marriage to Ptolemy III, she showed herself an assertive young woman in Cyrene, her native city.

  5. › wiki › BereniceBerenice - Wikipedia

    Berenice (Ancient Greek: Βερενίκη, Bereníkē) is the Ancient Macedonian form of the Attic Greek name Φερενίκη Pherenikē, which means "bearer of victory" from Ancient Greek φέρω (pherō) 'to bear', and νίκη (nikē) 'victory'. Berenika, priestess of Demeter in Lete ca. 350 BC, is the oldest epigraphical evidence. The Latin variant Veronica is the direct historical ...

  6. Berenice III de Egipto, hija de Ptolomeo IX. Inicialmente se casó con Ptolomeo X, y luego con Ptolomeo XI. Berenice IV de Egipto, hija de Ptolomeo XII y hermana mayor de Cleopatra. Berenice Sira, hija de Ptolomeo II y esposa del monarca Antíoco II Teos de la dinastía Seléucida. Laodice de Capadocia, llamada también Berenice. Topónimos

  7. Ptolomeo III sucedió a su padre Ptolomeo II Filadelfo. Se casó con Berenice de Cirene (actual Shahhat en Libia), soberana de Libia, gracias a lo cual extendió en gran medida sus dominios. Cuando la reina quedó viuda reinó sola. Su efigie aparece en monedas de la época. Una ciudad de Cirene llevó su nombre, Berenice; hoy se llama Bengasi .