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  1. Luchino Visconti (born Nov. 2, 1906, Milan—died March 17, 1976, Rome) was an Italian motion-picture director whose realistic treatment of individuals caught in the conflicts of modern society contributed significantly to the post-World War II revolution in Italian filmmaking and earned him the title of father of Neorealism.

  2. Luchino Visconti (1906 - 1976) fue un director y guionista de Italia conocido por Muerte en Venecia, El gatopardo, Rocco y sus hermanos, La caída de los dioses, Noches blancas, Confidencias, El inocente, La tierra tiembla, Senso y Luis II de Baviera (El rey loco) España. Búsqueda avanzada .

  3. 22 de sept. de 2022 · Corría el año 1970. El director Luchino Visconti, una de las figuras más brillantes del mundo del cine, llevaba años buscando al chico perfecto para encarnar a Tadzio en la adaptación ...

  4. 27 de jun. de 2018 · d. 17 March, 1976, Rome, Lazio, Italy. Count don Luchino Visconti di Modrone was born to a life of respectability, authority, and affluence. This noble upbringing, and what it could afford, had an undeniable, everlasting impact on his life and career. His early exposure to art, literature, music, theatre, and, perhaps most of all, opera, befit ...

  5. Don Luchino Visconti di Modrone, Lonate Pozzolo hercege (Milánó, 1906. november 2. – Róma, 1976. március 17.) olasz filmrendező.. A neorealizmus egyik atyjaként írta be nevét a filmtörténetbe, az 1960-as évektől kezdve azonban filmjei egyre több bírálatban részesültek. Jelentős volt a munkássága színpadi rendezőként is: főleg az opera műfajában volt otthonos.

  6. Luchino Visconti besuchte nach der Schule die Kavallerieschule in Pinerolo, widmete sich mit Leidenschaft der Zucht und dem Training von Rennpferden, ging 1936 nach Paris und begann seine Karriere als Assistent von Jean Renoir.Nach einer kurzen Amerikareise, auf der er auch Hollywood besuchte, kehrte er nach Italien zurück, um 1939 erneut als Renoirs Assistent am Film La Tosca zu arbeiten.

  7. Luchino and his siblings would have to wake up at 5:30am everyday, even during winter time, to follow their oppressive tutoring. Years later, actress Silvana Mangano, who had been cast to play the mother of the beautiful Tadzio in Death in Venice (1971), would recall how Visconti kept testing her ability to handle the veil of her costume to see if she could wear it as elegantly as his mother.

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