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  1. Frank Gehry of Santa Monica, California has been selected as the twelfth Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate. Although born in Canada, he became a citizen of the United States in 1950. He is the sixth American to receive the prestigious prize since it was established by The Hyatt Foundation in 1979.

  2. 弗兰克·盖里(Frank Owen Gehry)1929年2月28日生于加拿大多伦多的一个犹太人家庭,17岁后移民美国加利福尼亚,成为当代著名的解构主义建筑师,以设计具有奇特不规则曲线造型雕塑般外观的建筑而著称。他归化于美国籍,并且生活在洛杉矶,是纽约哥伦比亚大学中有名的建筑教授。

  3. Frank Gehry. Nadie como el autor del Museo Guggenheim de Bilbao y el Auditorio Disney de Los Angeles para representar al arquitecto-escultor. Los edificios de Frank Gehry (Toronto, 1929) marcan los lugares y hacen de la arquitectura una fiesta. Se ha convertido en una marca y en uno de los pocos creadores conocidos del gran público.

  4. 12 de mar. de 2023 · Frank Gehry is an illustrious architect whose innovative and avant-garde designs have consistently challenged the conventions of modern architecture. Born in Toronto in 1929, Gehry established his architectural practice in 1962 in Los Angeles, where he continues to cultivate his legacy as a visionary architect.

  5. 11. Inaugurates the Beekman Tower, presently known as New York by Gehry, and the New World Symphony in Miami. Named Professor of Architecture at the University of Southern California. Biography of the american architect Frank Gehry. The Guggenheim Museum Bilbao is one of Frank Gehry’s most celebrated works.

  6. Frank Gehry trabajó en la empresa Victor Gruen Associates. En 1956 realizó un curso de planeamiento urbano en la Escuela de Harvard, y después regresó a Los Ángeles para continuar trabajando con Victor Gruen hasta 1960. En 1962 abrió su propio estudio en Los Ángeles.

  7. 30 de abr. de 2024 · 據蓋瑞宣稱,阿妮塔勸他改名為法蘭克·蓋瑞,而他照做了。. 兩人於1966年離婚。. 1975年,蓋瑞與波兒塔·伊莎貝拉·阿奎萊拉結婚,其亦是他現任妻子。. 他的第一段婚姻有兩個女兒,第二段則有了兩個兒子。. 成長於加拿大,蓋瑞是曲棍球的超級粉絲。. 他在他 ...

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