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  1. Norman Foster (Reddish, 1935) Arquitecto británico. Es el creador de la corriente arquitectónica denominada High-Tech; el término no fue acuñado por él sino por el arquitecto y crítico Peter Buchanan en 1983, con motivo de la presentación de la fábrica Renault de Norman Foster.La idea de esta tendencia es la de solucionar distintos problemas arquitectónicos mediante los medios ...

  2. Norman Foster was born in Manchester in 1935. After graduating from Manchester University School of Architecture and City Planning in 1961 he won a Henry Fellowship to Yale University, where he gained a Master’s Degree in Architecture. He is the founder and chairman of Foster and Partners. Founded in London in 1967, it is now a worldwide practice, with project offices in more than twenty ...

  3. Norman Foster Foundation is a non-profit institution listed nº1818 in the National Public Register of Cultural Foundations, Ministry of Justice of the Government of Spain. Monte Esquinza, 48. 28010 Madrid, Spain | +34 913 898 965 | Follow us Facebook;

  4. La Norman Foster Foundation es una organización sin ánimo de lucro inscrita con el número 1818 en el Registro de Fundaciones Culturales de Competencia Estatal, Ministerio de Justicia, Gobierno de España. Monte Esquinza, 48. 28010 Madrid, España | +34 913 898 965 | Síguenos ...

  5. Foster + Partners maintains an international design practice famous for high-tech architecture. In 1999, Norman Foster was awarded the Pritzker Architecture Prize.. In 2009, Foster was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award in the Arts category. In 1994, he received the AIA gold medal.

  6. 30 de dic. de 2022 · Norman Foster se puede considerar uno de los arquitectos más influyentes en la actualidad. Es conocido, principalmente, por sus obras de grandes dimensiones en las que utiliza la última tecnología y con un elevado presupuesto. Sin embargo, el camino que ha recorrido este famoso inglés para alcanzar la cima no fue fácil desde el primer momento.

  7. Norman Foster. Phòng hòa nhạc tại Glasgow. Norman Robert Foster (sinh 1 tháng 6 năm 1935) là một kiến trúc sư người Anh. Ông được phong tặng tước hiệu Nam tước của bờ sông Thames, tước Hiệp sĩ và được tặng thưởng Huân chương danh dự (Anh).

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