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  1. AGA KHAN III. (1877-1957) Fils unique d'Aga khan II, Muḥammad shāh lui succéda à l'âge de huit ans comme imām des ismaéliens. La sympathie probritannique étant assez forte dans la famille, le jeune Aga khan III reçut une éducation typiquement anglaise. Mais c'est grâce à sa mère, appartenant à une grande maison iranienne, qu'il ...

  2. Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah, the Aga Khan III, the 48th Imam of the Shi'a Ismaili Muslims died at his villa in Versoix, near Geneva on 12th Zilhaja, 1376/July 11, 1957. Umm Habibeh Mata Salamat sent following telegram: Geneva: 11th July, 1957. Our beloved Hazar Imam is no longer physically with us.

  3. Aga Khan III (1877–1957) was the 48th Imam of the Shiʿi Ismaili Muslims. Through his knowledge of Eastern as well as Western cultures, he was uniquely placed to play a significant role in the international affairs of this time. The long public career of Aga Khan III had many dimensions.

  4. Ismaili History 833 - Marriages of the Aga Khan III. The first marriage of the Aga Khan took place in 1314/1897 with Shahzadi Begum, the daughter of his uncle Aga Jhangi Shah, at Poona. In 1908, he married to Mlle Theresa Maglioni (d. 1926) in Cairo, who bore Prince Aly Salomone Khan on June 13, 1911 at Turin in Italy.

  5. From The Will of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III. From The Will of Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan III. Section 8. Ever since the time of my ancestor Ali the first Imam, that is to say, over a period of some thirteen hundred years, it has always been the tradition of my family that each Imam chooses his successor at his absolute and ...

  6. In 1937, he had the honor of being elected President of the League of Nations. Throughout his long and eventful life, Prince Aga Khan III worked for the welfare of Muslims and carried the message of Islam to the four corners of the earth. As we commemorate the centenary of his birth, we recall his own words:

  7. 48th Imam – Direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) His Highness the Aga Khan Karim Al-Hussaini — Mowlana Hazar Imam, pays tribute to his grandfather: “Many many memories come to our minds as we think of him. He achieved in his life, for our community, that which could only have been accomplished normally in a period of many generations.