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  1. 詹姆斯·杜威·沃森(英語: James Dewey Watson ,1928年4月6日 — ),美國 分子生物學家,20世紀分子生物學的牽頭人之一。 與同僚佛朗西斯·克里克因為共同發現DNA的雙螺旋結構,而與莫里斯·威爾金斯獲得1962年諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。

  2. James Dewey Watson (d. 6 Nisan 1928, Chicago), 1954 yılında yaptığı çalışma ile DNA'nın ikili sarmal yapısını, araştırmacı Francis Crick ile bularak Nobel Ödülü almış bilim adamıdır.. Chicago Üniversitesinde zooloji öğrenimi gördükten sonra 1950 yılında Indiana Üniversitesinde doktora yaptı. Ancak bu süreçten sonra Avrupa'ya geçmiştir. 1950 ve 1953 yılları ...

  3. Watson y Crick reunieron datos de varios investigadores (entre ellos Franklin, Wilkins, Chargaff y otros) para ensamblar su célebre modelo de la estructura 3D del ADN. En 1962, James Watson, Francis Crick y Maurice Wilkins recibieron el Premio Nobel de medicina.

  4. James Dewey Watson (* 6. apríl 1928, Chicago, Illinois, USA) je americký biochemik. Nositeľ Nobelovej ceny za fyziológiu alebo medicínu, ktorú získal v roku 1962, spoločne s Francisom Crickom a Maurice Wilkinsom, za objav molekulárnej štruktúry nukleových kyselín a ich významu pre prenos informácie dedičnosti v živej ...

  5. James Dewey Watson was born in Chicago in Illinois, United States, on 6 April 1928, the son of a businessman tailor. He grew up an avid bird watcher and planned to be an ornithologist. His life ambition changed, however, after reading the book What is Life by Erwin Schrödinger, which convinced him to trade in his binoculars for a microscrope to study genetics instead.

  6. James Dewey Watson (ur. 6 kwietnia 1928 w Chicago) – amerykański genetyk i biochemik. Laureat Nagrody Nobla. Życiorys. Po ukończeniu szkoły średniej w wieku 15 lat został studentem Uniwersytetu Chicagowskiego, gdzie 4 lata później zdobył stopień licencjata z zoologii. Następnie ...

  7. 3 de mar. de 2022 · James Dewey Watson was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He was a precocious student, and entered the University of Chicago when he was only 15. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Zoology four years later, and went on to earn a Ph.D. in the same subject at Indiana University.

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