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  1. Ben jij moedig genoeg voor de The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, met zijn drie vernieuwde bloedstollende liften: The Malevolent Machine, The Shaft Creatures en The 5th Dimension? Schreeuw je keel schor als je een vrije val maakt in een schacht die dieper en donkerder is dan ooit tevoren. Brrr….

  2. Gasten krijgen de mogelijkheid aangeboden om zelf de hoofdrol in een aflevering van The Twilight Zone te spelen en zo in de Twilight Zone terecht te komen, via de liften van het Hollywood Tower Hotel.

  3. Tour the infamous Hollywood Tower Hotel, the one-time haunt of Tinseltown's rich and famous until a mysterious incident forced it to close in ... 1939. At The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror, venture under the iron-wrought iron gates of the abandoned abode and step inside a dusty lobby, seemingly frozen in time.

  4. Florida lobby. The opening sequence from Seasons 4 and 5 of The Twilight Zone plays, followed by an explanation of the events hosted by the narrator: the story of how one of the main lobby elevators plummeted after being struck by lightning, causing the five people inside (Carolyn Crosson, Gilbert London, Dewey Todd, Sally Shine, and Emeline Partridge) to vanish into the Twilight Zone.

  5. Entre cautelosamente no famoso Hollywood Tower Hotel e encontre um saguão empoeirado congelado no tempo. Até mesmo a comedida equipe do hotel parece estranhamente ser de outra era. De repente, uma televisão se liga sozinha, e Rod Serling dá as boas-vindas para uma viagem além da imaginação na Twilight Zone.

  6. Prêts pour un saut dans la Cinquième Dimension ? The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror vous ouvre ses portes dans ce nouvel épisode d' "À la découverte de..." ⚡?...

  7. 3 de oct. de 2019 · Combining a thrilling freefall ride, dazzling effects, and an inspired and fiendishly clever storyline based on the seminal "The Twilight Zone" television series, Disney Imagineers have created a ride that, like a select few E-Ticket attractions, is so much greater than the sum of its parts. Rating: 5 out of 5 stars.