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  1. Max Planck received his Nobel Prize one year later, in 1919. During the selection process in 1918, the Nobel Committee for Physics decided that none of the year's nominations met the criteria as outlined in the will of Alfred Nobel. According to the Nobel Foundation's statutes, ...

  2. Max Planck als Schüler (1874) Max Planck verbrachte die ersten Jahre seines Lebens in Kiel, bis die Familie 1867 nach München umzog, wohin der Vater einen Ruf auf den Lehrstuhl für Zivilprozessrecht erhalten hatte. Dort besuchte Planck, der zuvor Schüler der Sexta der Kieler Gelehrtenschule war, ab dem 14. Mai 1867 die erste Lateinklasse des Maximiliansgymnasiums.

  3. 12 de ago. de 2012 · Max Planck: Originator of quantum theory. Born in 1858, Max Planck came from an academic family. His father Julius Wilhelm Planck was Professor of Law at the University of Kiel, Germany, and both his grandfather and great-grandfather had been professors of theology at Göttingen. He began his elementary schooling in Kiel but in 1867 his family ...

  4. 23 de abr. de 2008 · Hace 150 años nació el científico alemán Max Planck, cuya teoría cuántica revolucionaría la física. Su nombre, que lleva una red de institutos de investigación, es símbolo de la ...

  5. Max Planck Nobel Lecture . Nobel Lecture, June 2, 1920. The Genesis and Present State of Development of the Quantum Theory. If I take it correctly that the duty imposed upon me today is to give a public lecture on my writings, then I believe that this task, the importance of ...

  6. Max Planck (Kiel, 23. travnja 1858. - Göttingen, 4. listopada 1947.), njemački fizičar, kojeg se smatra osnivačem kvantne teorije, za koju je dobio Nobelovu nagradu za fiziku 1918. Studij započet u Münchenu nastavio je u Berlinu, doktorirao je 1879. u Münchenu i ondje ostao kao predavač (od 1880. do 1885.).

  7. Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (23 April 1858 – 4 Oktober 1947) adalah seorang fisikawan Jerman yang banyak dilihat sebagai penemu teori kuantum . Lahir di Kiel, Planck memulai karier fisikanya di Universitas München pada tahun 1874, lulus pada tahun 1879 di Berlin. Dia kembali ke München pada tahun 1880 untuk mengajar di universitas itu, dan ...

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