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  1. 23 de jul. de 2018 · Suffragette ” refleja la pelea ... Rompemos ventanas, quemamos cosas… porque los hombres solo entienden de guerras.-Inspector: Lo único que podemos hacer es detenerlas.

  2. 19 de sept. de 2018 · A ’Suffragette’ – (Strix flagitans) – a woman who should have more senseNew York Time 1906 . It doesn’t get much better, Strix flagitans translates to mean, “demanding Screecher” The word suffragist on the other hand could be a man or woman who is extending the right to vote, by peaceful means.

  3. Emily Davison. Emily Wilding Davison (* 11.Oktober 1872 in Blackheath, London; † 8. Juni 1913 in Epsom) war eine englische Suffragette, die für ihr militantes Vorgehen bekannt war.Sie wurde acht Mal inhaftiert, unter anderem für Vergehen wie Strafvereitelung, Körperverletzung, Steinewerfen, Zerschlagen von Fensterscheiben und das Anzünden von Briefkästen.

  4. Set in London across the late 19th and early 20th century, the film focuses on a turning point of the Suffragette campaign for the vote for women, from peaceful protest to aggressive demonstrations. Seen through the eyes of working-class factory worker Maud, ...

  5. Durante il periodo del Baby boom il femminismo è diventato un movimento minore, nonostante precursori come Simone de Beauvoir, che pubblicò Il secondo sesso nel 1949.. Il secondo sesso è una dettagliata analisi sull'oppressione subita dalle donne e un tratto fondante del femminismo contemporaneo. Si definisce come un esistenzialismo femminista che prescrive una rivoluzione morale; in quanto ...

  6. Finally, students could compare how the suffragette movement has been analysed and described in a number of published history textbooks in light of these original documents. They could look at further primary documents provided in The National Archives education related resources on this webpage:

  7. Violet Aitken (1886–1987) – suffragette activist in the WSPU, imprisoned and force-fed, editor of The Suffragette; Margaret Aldersley (1852–1940) – suffragist, feminist and trade unionist; Mary Ann Aldham (1858–1940) – famously slashed a portrait in the Royal Academy in 1914