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  1. Att gå på skolan. Kungliga Svenska balettskolan har format morgondagens elitdansare sedan 1981. En 230-årig tradition som har rötter i 1700-talet. Vi erbjuder Sveriges enda professionella yrkesdansarutbildning inom grund- och gymnasieskola. Läsåret är indelat i terminer och lov.

  2. ロイヤル・バレエ学校(ロイヤル・バレエがっこう、英: The Royal Ballet School )は、英国にあるクラシック・バレエの訓練校 で、1926年にアイルランド出身のバレエダンサー・振付家ニネット・ド・ヴァロアにより設立された。

  3. 12 de may. de 2023 · A Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) é uma das mais influentes organizações de educação em dança do mundo. Nossos exames são parâmetros em ballet clássico e somos líderes mundiais em Desenvolvimento Profissional Contínuo.

  4. De Valois originally established The Royal Ballet School as The Academy of Choreographic Art, highlighting her commitment to the art of choreography at the core of what she intended the School to be. She invited choreographer Leonide Massine to teach dance composition from 1968-71, and encouraged a further initiative using aspects of Massine’s work from 1975-81 led by Richard Glasstone with ...

  5. Summer performances 2024. Throughout the School year students perform both in School and on some of the biggest public stages: this is as integral to their training as establishing sound ballet technique. Through regular performances, students understand how to transform ballet vocabulary into a magical, exhilarating experience for an audience ...

  6. La Royal ballet school è uno dei principali centri mondiali di formazione per la danza classica. L'obiettivo della scuola è quello di formare ed educare ballerini classici per il Royal Ballet – con sede alla Royal Opera House di Londra – e per il Birmingham Royal Ballet Storia. Nel 1926, la ...

  7. Die Royal Ballet School ging 1931 aus der 1926 von Dame Ninette de Valois gegründeten Academy of Choreographic Art hervor. Dabei wurde die Schule dem Sadler’s Wells Theatre angeschlossen und in die The Vic-Wells Ballet School umbenannt. 1939 folgte eine weitere Umbenennung in The Sadler’s Wells Ballet School.Seit der Verleihung des „Royal Charter“ im Jahre 1956 trägt die Schule ihren ...