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  1. Resumen y Análisis del Libro ‘Drácula’ de Bram Stoker. ‘Drácula’, la obra maestra de Bram Stoker publicada en 1897, se mantiene como un pilar indiscutible de la literatura gótica, trascendiendo el género para convertirse en un ícono cultural omnipresente. Esta novela, que introdujo al conde Drácula y el mito del vampiro en la ...

  2. Dracula este titlul unui roman scris în anul 1897 de autorul irlandez Bram Stoker.Personajul principal al romanului este contele Dracula (Graf Dracula), devenit unul dintre cei mai renumiți vampiri din literatură. Bram Stoker l-a folosit pe Vlad Țepeș ca sursă de inspirație pentru romanul Dracula.Tot Bram Stoker a avut ideea să asocieze legenda domnitorului muntean cu liliacul ...

  3. Dracula est un roman épistolaire de l'écrivain irlandais Bram Stoker publié en 1897.C'est l'une des œuvres les plus célèbres de la littérature britannique et nombre de ses protagonistes sont entrés dans la culture populaire en tant que versions archétypales de leurs personnages, par exemple, le comte Dracula pour le vampire par excellence et Abraham Van Helsing pour le chasseur de ...

  4. Count Dracula (/ ˈ d r æ k j ʊ l ə,-j ə-/) is the title character of Bram Stoker's 1897 gothic horror novel Dracula.He is considered the prototypical and archetypal vampire in subsequent works of fiction. Aspects of the character are believed by some to have been inspired by the 15th-century Wallachian prince Vlad the Impaler, who was also known as Vlad Dracula, and by Sir Henry Irving ...

  5. Bram Stoker was born in Dublin, Ireland, in 1847. The son of a civil servant, Stoker was a sickly child. Stoker’s mother, a charity worker and writer, spent a good deal of time entertaining her son with fantastic tales. Stoker went on to study math at Trinity College and graduated in 1867, at which time he joined the Irish civil service.

  6. Both women are chaste, pure, innocent of the world’s evils, and devoted to their men. But Dracula threatens to turn the two women into their opposites, into women noted for their voluptuousness—a word Stoker turns to again and again—and unapologetically open sexual desire. Dracula succeeds in transforming Lucy, and once she becomes a ...

  7. 30 de may. de 1983 · Bram Stoker’s ‘Dracula’ was not the first novel on Vampires, nor the most particularly well-written one. What it has over every other vampire book before and after it was supreme staying power and influence. Scholars have theorized that this staying power owes in large measure to Stoker’s ability to capture a range of Victorian fears that are still relatable to us to this day in the work.

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