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  1. Jesse Owens dimostrò che ... aveva torto sigillando il suo posto nella storia delle Olimpiadi e diventando l'atleta di maggior successo ai Giochi del 1936. Owens diventò anche il primo americano a vincere quattro medaglie d'oro di atletica leggera in una singola Olimpiade (100 m, 200 m, staffetta 4x100 m e salto in lungo), un record durato 48 ...

  2. OI 1936. OI 1936. James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens ( Oakville, 12. rujna 1913. – Tucson, 31. ožujka 1980. ), slavni američki atletičar, legendaran po svom četverostrukom trijumfu na Olimpijskim igrama u Berlinu, 1936. godine, gdje je bio neosporna zvijezda Igara.

  3. Jesse Owens set five world records and equalled a sixth in 45 minutes. Yes, five world record-breaking performances and a world record-equalling one in three-quarters of an hour. It bears repeating. While Owens won four gold medals in seven days at the Berlin 1936 Olympic Games – a truly momentous feat achieved in the face of genuine adversity – it has, in pure sporting terms, been matched.

  4. He won the 100m in 10.30 seconds, the 200m in 20.70 seconds, and then the long jump, with an impressive leap of 8.06 metres – apparently after getting some advice about his run-up from a German competitor, Luz Long. His fourth gold came in the 4x100m relay, in which Owens formed a key part of the team that set a new world record of 39.80 seconds.

  5. 12 de sept. de 2013 · 10. There are enduring memorials to Owens in Berlin. In 1984, a street outside Berlin’s Olympic Stadium, where Owens shot to fame, was rechristened Jesse-Owens-Allee, and the section of the ...

  6. Jesse Owens. James Cleveland "Jesse" Owens (* 12. september 1913, Oakville, Alabama, USA – † 31. marec 1980, Tucson, Arizona, USA) bol americký atlét, ktorý sa venoval behu na 100 a 200 m, a skoku do diaľky. Je štvornásobným olympijským víťazom z Berlína 1936. Ako piaty atlét v histórii olympijských hier získal bežecké ...

  7. James Cleveland Owens o Jesse Owens (12 de setembre de 1913 – 31 de març de 1980) va ser un atleta nord-americà d'origen afroamericà especialment destacat pels seus èxits als Jocs Olímpics d'Estiu de 1936 a Berlín.Allà va assolir un reconeixement internacional en aconseguir quatre medalles d'or en els 100 metres llisos, 200 metres llisos, salt de llargada i com a membre de l'equip de ...

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