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  1. Tanka. La tanka es un tipo de poesía tradicional japonesa. Consta de cinco versos de 5-7-5-7-7 sílabas.

  2. Los poemas tanka (短歌 tan-kah) son poemas cortos que se originaron en Japón en el siglo 13. Están compuestos por 5 líneas largas, y suelen expresar profundos sentimientos sobre la naturaleza, el amor o el deseo. Si quieres escribir un poema tanka, inicia con una lluvia de ideas.

  3. Pero es el Tanka el que superó a todos los demás en términos de popularidad, al grado de que es prácticamente el único protagonista de la casi veintena de antologías imperiales que sucedieron al Manyoushuu y que aparecen desde el siglo VIII hasta el XVI.

  4. › wiki › TankaTanka - Wikipedia

    Hyakuninisshu 001. one of the poetry cards from the card game version of the Ogura Hyakunin isshu, a beloved complilation of tanka. Tanka (短歌, "short poem") is a genre of classical Japanese poetry and one of the major genres of Japanese literature. [1] [2] [3]

  5. 23 de jul. de 2021 · Tanka poems, which originated in Japan, are short poems intended to evoke vivid imagery and reflection for the reader. They are free verse, so they do not have to rhyme, but must follow specific syllable patterns.

  6. The tanka, which comprised the majority of Japanese poetry from the ninth to the nineteenth century, is possibly the central genre of Japanese literature. It has prototypes in communal song, in oral literature dating back to the seventh century, or earlier.

  7. The tanka poem is one of the oldest forms of Japanese poetry. It originated in the seventh century and became the preferred form of the Japanese Imperial Court. There were “tanka contests” that were put on and participate in by the nobles.

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