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  1. rockyou.txt is a list of over 14 million plaintext passwords from the 2009 RockYou hack. Passwords from this wordlist are commonly used in CTF and penetration testing challenges. On default Kali Linux installations, the file is in the /usr/share/wordlists/ directory.

  2. RockYou2021.txt is a massive wordlist compilation without user:pass logins, useful for security assessments.

  3. Sign in. - Google Drive. Sign in

  4. rockyou.txt is a list of over 14 million plaintext passwords from the 2009 RockYou hack. Passwords from this wordlist are commonly used in CTF and penetration testing challenges. On default Kali Linux installations, the file is in the /usr/share/wordlists/ directory. Mirror for rockyou.txt.

  5. 4 de ago. de 2023 · Puede descargar la lista de palabras RockYou.txt desde recursos como GitHub o Kaggle. El lado oscuro: cómo utilizan RockYou.txt los cibercriminales. La lista de palabras RockYou.txt es un arma de doble filo: muy valiosa para los profesionales de seguridad, pero también un arma potente para los hackers.

  6. This package contains the rockyou.txt wordlist and has an installation size of 134 MB. Installed size: 50.90 MB How to install: sudo apt install wordlists. Dependencies:

  7. 9 de jun. de 2021 · Un usuario ha publicado en un popular foro relacionado con el hackeo la mayor colección de contraseñas filtradas de la historia. La recopilación, que se llama RockYou2021, parece ser una ...