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  1. 잭 케루악(Jack Kerouac, 1922년 ~ 1969년)은 미국 비트 제너레이션의 대표적 작가이다.. 매사추세츠 출신으로, 컬럼비아 대학을 다니다가 시인이 되기 위해 남부를 방랑하고, 해군에 입대했다가, 2개월 만에 다시 학교로 복귀하는 등, 젊은 시절을 파란과 방랑으로 보냈다.

  2. › home-2 › bioJack Kerouac | bio

    Born Jean-Louis Kerouac, Kerouac is the most famous native son of Lowell, Massachusetts. His parents had immigrated as very young children from the Province of Quebec, Canada, and Kerouac spoke a local French Canadian-American dialect before he spoke English. He was a football star at Lowell High School and upon graduation in 1939 was awarded a ...

  3. 31 de dic. de 2020 · Jack Kerouac, alors âgé de 45 ans, est au bout du rouleau. Alcoolique et fatigué, il n’est plus que l’ombre du jeune écrivain qui a atteint la gloire littéraire avec la publication de son ...

  4. October 22, 1969 By JOSEPH LELYVELD Jack Kerouac, Novelist, Dead; Father of the Beat Generation Author of 'On the Road' was Hero to Youth--Rejected Middle-Class Values ack Kerouac, the novelist who named the Beat Generation and exuberantly celebrated its rejection of middle-class American conventions, died early yesterday of massive abdominal hemorrhaging in a St. Petersburg, Fla., hospital.

  5. Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) es el novelista más destacado y emblemático de la Generación Beat. En Anagrama se han publicado sus obras fundamentales: En el camino, Los subterráneos, Los Vagabundos del Dharma, La vanidad de los Duluoz y En la carretera.El rollo mecanografiado original, además de Cartas, la selección de su correspondencia con Allen Ginsberg, y, con William S. Burroughs, Y los ...

  6. Autobiographical novels, such as On the Road (1957) and The Dharma Bums (1958), of American writer Jack Kerouac, originally Jean-Louis Kerouac, embody the values of the Beat Generation. Career of Jean-Louis Lebris de Kerouac began in the 1940s but did not met with commercial success until 1957, when he wrote and published On the Road.The book, an American classic, defined the Beat Generation.

  7. amerikietis. Veikla. rašytojas, poetas, dailininkas. Žinomas (-a) už. romaną „Kelyje“ bei kitus literatūros kūrinius. Vikiteka. Jack Kerouac. Džekas Keruakas ( Jack Kerouac, tikrasis vardas Jean Louis Lebris de Kerouac; 1922 m. kovo 12 d. – 1969 m. spalio 21 d.) – amerikiečių romanistas, rašytojas, poetas ir bytnikų judėjimo ...

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