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  1. Bill Wallace. Actor: A Force of One. Bill "Superfoot" Wallace is a living legend in the world of martial arts and professional kickboxing. A pioneer in the sport, he began his martial arts career as a Karate point-fighter. He competed along with such immortals as Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Joe Lewis, and Skipper Mullins. After an incredible career in point-fighting, Wallace made his professional ...

  2. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Bill "Superfoot" Wallace YouTube channel. Please subscribe!

  3. Era conocido como Bill Superfoot Wallace, apodo que se ganó gracias a su legendaria pierna izquierda capaz de salir a más de 100 km/h. Aquella causó grandes estragos frente a todos quienes se pararon ante él sobre un ring para intentar arrebatarle el título de campeón de Full Contact tantas veces retenido gracias a su forma física, seguridad, experiencia y responsabilidad.

  4. 28 de may. de 2020 · Bill "Superfoot" Wallace is a living legend in the world of martial arts and professional kickboxing. A pioneer in the sport, he began his martial arts caree...

  5. Bill Wallace est un fulleur américain né le 1 er décembre 1945 à Portland, États-Unis. Artiste martial de renommée mondiale, il est souvent connu sous le surnom de superfoot, de par la rapidité de ses coups de pied gauches, plus rapide qu'une attaque du poing.. Bill Wallace a été champion du monde de karaté full-contact de 1974 à 1980.Il a grandement aidé à la diffusion de cette ...

  6. 31 de ago. de 2014 · A tribute to the life and career of Bill Wallace. A great fighter and seminar teacher. Once you meet him, you cannot help but come away more excited about,...

  7. 1974: Bill Wallace wins the first middleweight fullcontact world title by defeating Richter in his final fight. How Wallace Turned His Biggest Obstacle Into An Asset The early karate training methods were naturally far cruder than they are today. Says Wallace.