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  1. Eric Emerson Schmidt, né le 27 avril 1955, à Washington, D.C. [1], est un homme d'affaires américain, PDG de Google de 2001 [2] à 2011, date à laquelle il devient président exécutif du conseil d'administration et est remplacé au poste de PDG par Larry Page, cofondateur de Google [3].Il est également membre du conseil de surveillance de l’université de Princeton dans le New Jersey.

  2. Eric Schmidt (2005) Eric Schmidt (r.) bei einem Interview mit Gary Hamel Eric Emerson Schmidt (* 27.April 1955 in Washington, D.C.) ist ein US-amerikanischer Informatiker und Manager.Er war von 2001 bis 2011 Chief Executive Officer und von April 2011 bis zum 10. August 2015 Executive Chairman von Google.Im Zuge der Restrukturierung von Google wurde Schmidt anschließend Executive Chairman der ...

  3. エリック・エマーソン・シュミット(Eric Emerson Schmidt, 1955年 4月27日 - )はアメリカ合衆国の技術者、経営者で、Googleの元CEO。 Alphabetの元取締役会長。現在は技術顧問。カーネギーメロン大学 、プリンストン大学 の理事も務めている。 字句解析器生成プログラム lex の共同開発者でもある。

  4. › wiki › Eric_SchmidtEric Schmidt - Wikipedia

    Eric Schmidt nel 2011. Eric Emerson Schmidt (Falls Church, 27 aprile 1955) è un imprenditore, dirigente d'azienda e collezionista d'arte statunitense, amministratore delegato (CEO) di Google dal 2001 al 2011, presidente esecutivo di Google dal 2011 al 2015, presidente esecutivo di Alphabet Inc. dal 2015 al 2017 e il consigliere tecnico di Alphabet dal 2017 al 2020.

  5. Eric Schmidt. Eric Emerson Schmidt ( Falls Church, 27 de abril de 1955) é o presidente e ex- chefe executivo (CEO) da Alphabet Inc., anteriormente denominada Google, a principal subsidiária da empresa recém-criada. Trabalhou na Novell [ 1] e possui doutorado (Ph.D) em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade da Califórnia em Berkeley .

  6. WASHNGTON – Today, Senator Eric Schmitt introduced an amendment to cut the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s (NTIA) ability to fund Orwellian “algorithmic justice” bureaucracy with funding meant for broadband development: “A bloated bureaucracy is the kiss of death when it comes to fiscally responsible practices, and the NTIA’s outlandish request of $337 ...

  7. Eric Schmidt is an accomplished technologist, entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He served as Google’s Chief Executive Officer and Chairman from 2001-2011 where he pioneered the company’s transformation from a Silicon Valley startup to a global leader in technology. Eric oversaw the company’s technical and business strategies alongside founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Under his ...

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