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  1. James Foley makes children's books for children who read books.If you're a child and you're eating his books, you're doing it wrong.James writes and illustrates. He gives talks and runs workshops.Welcome to his website.

  2. James Foley stammte aus Rochester, New Hampshire, und wuchs als ältestes von fünf Geschwistern auf. Sein Studium an der Marquette University schloss er 1996 ab. Foley studierte zunächst Geschichte und Kreatives Schreiben.Er arbeitete als Lehrer, bevor er sich dem Journalismus zuwandte. Bis 2008 studierte er an der Medill School of Journalism der Northwestern University.

  3. › about-us › james-w-foleyJim’s Story - James W. Foley

    It is my great joy to tell you about our beloved son, James Wright Foley. Jim was the oldest of our five children, curious, and fun-loving from birth. Stories delighted him, inspiring much imaginative play as a child. He was goofy, daring, and brave. Listening was one of Jim’s gifts and the reason for his wide, diverse circle of friends.

  4. James Foley urodził się w 1973 roku. Jego rodzicami byli John i Diane Foley. Był absolwentem Uniwersytetu of Massachusetts Amherst z 2003 roku. Pracował jako fotoreporter oraz korespondent wojenny dla GlobalPost oraz agencji Agence France Presse. Relacjonował konflikty w Afganistanie, Libii, gdzie 5 kwietnia 2011 wpadł w zasadzkę i ...

  5. James Foley est d'abord enseignant en Arizona, puis dans le Massachusetts et à Chicago, avant de devenir reporter-photographe au milieu des années 2000 12. En avril 2011, alors qu'il travaille pour GlobalPost, il est emprisonné avec trois autres journalistes, près de Brega, en Libye, par les forces loyales à Muammar Kaddafi durant la ...

  6. › wiki › James_FoleyJames Foley - Wikipedia

    James Foley (New York, 28 dicembre 1953) è un regista statunitense. Biografia. Debutta nel 1984 con il film Amare con rabbia, in seguito dirige A distanza ravvicinata con Sean Penn. Nel 1986 inizia una collaborazione con la cantante Madonna, dirigendo i videoclip dei suoi brani Live to Tell ...

  7. 20 de ago. de 2014 · American journalist James Foley, who has been murdered by the Islamic State militant group, has been described as a "brave and tireless journalist". A video released on Tuesday shows his beheading ...

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