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  1. 6 de abr. de 1992 · Isaac Asimov. Works of prolific Russian-American writer Isaac Asimov include popular explanations of scientific principles, The Foundation Trilogy (1951-1953), and other volumes of fiction. Isaac Asimov, a professor of biochemistry, wrote as a highly successful author, best known for his books. Asimov, professor, generally considered of all ...

  2. The Isaac Asimov FAQ The FAQ from the Usenet newsgroup alt.books.isaac-asimov provides answers to the frequently asked questions about Isaac Asimov, and is an excellent place to start if you have questions about him. Included is biographical information about both his personal life and his literary life, answers to questions about the Foundation and Robot series, and more.

  3. 28 de ene. de 2020 · Isaac Asimov, the Russian-born chemist and science-fiction colossus (1920–92), had an answer: the two are, in fact, the same. Asimov spent more than half of the twentieth century cultivating ...

  4. Isaac Asimov, narozen jako Izák Judovič Ozimov ( rusky Исаак Юдович Озимов; 2. ledna 1920, Petroviči, Rusko – 6. dubna 1992, New York, USA ), byl americký spisovatel a biochemik židovského původu. Napsal přes 300 vědeckých, vědecko-populárních a sci-fi knih. Počátek jeho tvorby patří do období tzv.

  5. Isaac Asimov (* 2. január 1920, Petroviči, Smolensk, Ruská SFSR – † 6. apríl 1992, New York) bol veľmi úspešný a neobyčajne plodný americký spisovateľ a biochemik známy vďaka svojim sci-fi knihám a populárno-vedeckým prácam.. Takisto písal mysteriózne (mnohé z nich sú obsiahnuté v knihách Black Widowers) a fantasy príbehy.. Publikoval práce týkajúce sa (s ...

  6. Hijo de Judah Asimov y Anna Rachel Berman, el pequeño Isaac recibió el nombre de su abuelo materno el 2 de enero de 1920, cuando nació en Petróvichi, un pueblo de Rusia a 400 kilómetros de Moscú.Aunque nunca habló ruso, Isaak Yúdovich Asímov vivió hasta los tres años en la entonces República Socialista Federativa Soviética, para luego emigrar con sus padres a Norte América.

  7. Dr. Isaac Asimov (2 January 1920 – 6 April 1992) was a Russian-born American Jewish author and biochemist, a highly successful and exceptionally prolific writer best known for his works of science fiction and for his many non-fiction books, including several genres: popular science writings, guides to the bible and science, mystery novels, literature commentary (his works on Shakespeare) and ...

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