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    remind vs remember
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  1. Remember may mean “to bring to mind or think of again,” recall “to bring back to mind,” and recollect “to bring back to the level of conscious awareness.”. There are circumstances in which any of these three words are interchangeable with any of the others, and other circumstances in which one or more of these words will sound odd ...

  2. Remember. The verb "to remember" is used when someone thinks of something again. The sentence doesn't need anything else to say who or what brought back the memory. Remember does not need to take an object, but it can have one. Example sentences with "remember": Henry suddenly remembered his mother's request. (Here, "remembered" takes an object.)

  3. 7 de nov. de 2023 · Este artículo en inglés explora la distinción clave entre "remember" y "remind" en el idioma, aclarando cómo "remember" se refiere a recordar por uno mismo, mientras que "remind" involucra ayudar a alguien a recordar. Proporciona ejemplos y consejos para su uso adecuado, facilitando la comprensión de estas palabras similares pero diferentes en inglés.

  4. Coco. Remind – Significa «recordar» y se usa generalmente en el sentido de « recordarle algo a alguien» o de « pedirle a alguien que nos recuerde » algo. Remember – Significa «recordar», pero se usa generalmente en el sentido de « acordarse » (es decir, de recordar por uno mismo ). Please, remind me to call him- Por favor ...

  5. You can remind someone “of” a noun. When we have a task, then remind the person “to” do the task. “My husband reminded me to put gas in the car”, or “I reminded my brother to take out the garbage”. Again with “to”, we use it for tasks that we need to do. I hope that you now understand the difference between “remember ...

  6. REMIND. - Significa "recordar". Se usa generalmente en el sentido de "acordarse" (es decir, de recordar por uno mismo). - Significa "recordar" y se usa generalmente en el sentido de "recordarle algo a alguien" o de "pedirle a alguien que nos recuerde" algo. · I'm sorry. I don't remember your name. · Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember.

  7. Remember is also the opposite of “forget.”. You can use remember to talk about keeping something in your mind: Please remember to wash the dishes after you finish eating lunch. I was already at work when I suddenly remembered I had a dentist appointment at 9:30. I called the dentist and rescheduled it for the next day. I can’t remember ...