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  1. Welcome to Asana. To get started, please sign in. Continue with Google. or. Email address.

  2. Work anytime, anywhere with Asana. Keep remote and distributed teams, and your entire organization, focused on their goals, projects, and tasks with Asana.

  3. Registrándote. Al registrarme, acepto la Política de privacidad y los Términos de servicio de Asana. Organiza y planifica fácilmente flujos de trabajos, proyectos y más, a fin de mantener el trabajo de tu equipo al día. Comienza hoy a usar Asana como tu herramienta de gestión del trabajo.

  4. Para iniciar sesión en Asana, visita o Es posible que desees marcar uno de estos.

  5. You’re one click away. from less busywork. Continue with your Google work account. or. Continue. By signing up, I agree to the Asana Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Easily organize and plan workflows, projects, and more, so you can keep your team's work on schedule. Start using Asana as your work management tool today.

  6. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Asana Ihre Aufgaben priorisieren und für ein ausgewogenes Arbeitspensum sorgen. Connect your team’s conversations to actionable items in Asana. See how to navigate and manage complex projects with confidence in Asana. Get notifications in Slack when changes are made to tasks in Asana.

  7. Log in. To log in to Asana, visit or