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  1. Hace 5 días · OpForce Hecu grunts with white helmets like HL1 style This addon contains replacement hecu models for the original half-life, opposing force and blue shift. As well as replacing the Shephard model for single player, and Grunt and Shephard for multiplayer (with replacement icons when selecting models)

  2. Hace 3 días · OpForce Hecu grunts with white helmets like HL1 style This addon contains replacement hecu models for the original half-life, opposing force and blue shift. As well as replacing the Shephard model for single player, and Grunt and Shephard for multiplayer (with replacement icons when selecting models)

  3. Hazardous Environment Combat Unit or H.E.C.U. Combat Unit for operations in particularly dangerous environmental conditions is a special Marine Corps unit sent by the US government to Black Mesa.This organization exists in the Half-Life universe. 38 upvotes · 2 comments. Add a Comment.

  4. Finally! Was able to get the last guard you meet in Opposing Force before going down to the Gene Worm and bring him with me to the fight! Took a lot of effort and he don't do much in the battle, but at least I can now cross it out in my own self made Half Life achievement list.

  5. HECU Medics. So this has been bugging me for a while, The HECU are part of the Marine Corps, why do they have medics? In real life their "medics" (actually known as Corpsmen) are provided by the U.S. Navy.

  6. 22 de jun. de 2024 · Based on the concept art for the HECU infantry grunt made before Half Life started being made.

  7. Hace 6 días · Half Life SDK는 앞서 출시된 퀘이크(QuakeC), 퀘이크 2(C++/Gamex86.dll), 언리얼(UnrealScript)처럼 단순히 맵과 추가 모델/스킨 제작을 넘어서, 프로그래밍 레벨의 인터페이스가 제공되므로 완전히 새로운 형태의 게임(Total Convertion)을 만드는 것이 가능하다.