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  1. Al morir Edmundo, Canuto envió a Eduardo -por entonces un bebé de pocos meses de edad- a Suecia, donde esperaba que el rey Olaf Skötkonung se deshiciera de él. Sin embargo, nunca llegó a la corte sueca; algunos leales lo pusieron a salvo, primero en Kiev y después en Hungría.

  2. Hace 2 días · Olaf (Olof Skötkonung), who came from Västergötland but proclaimed himself ruler of all Sweden during the early 11th century, was baptized in Skara about the year 1000. He supported the new religion, as did his sons Anund Jakob (reigned c. 1022–c. 1050) and Edmund (c. 1050–60).

  3. Hace 3 días · It is the account of the rise of the Yngling dynasty that provides fascinating insights into both the early and later medieval periods. According to Sverre Bagge in his 1991 book, Society and Politics in Snorri Sturluson's Heimskringla, the Heimskringla portrays the Ynglings as royal descendants from the pantheon of Norse gods, particularly Odin .

  4. Hace 2 días · To better understand the relationship with the Kievan Rus Empire, it was basically the eastern part of the region one might say was under viking rule during the Viking Age. Wife of the Kievan Rus prince Yaroslav, princess Ingegerd, was sister to Olaf II’s wife Astrid. Both daughters of the Swedish king Olaf Skötkonung.

  5. Hace 1 día · Eric's son Olof Skötkonung was the first king to be baptized in Sweden and is credited with founding a Christian kingdom.

  6. 12 de jun. de 2024 · Olof Skötkonung -merituulipuisto Selkämerellä, Ruotsi. Ruotsin talousvyöhykkeelle suunnitellaan kokonaisteholtaan noin 1600–1800 megawatin (MW) merituulipuistoa. Hankkeen tila. Tila: Vireillä. Alueet: Ulkomaat, Ruotsi. Aihealue: Tuulivoimalahankkeet, Energiantuotanto. Tausta.

  7. 13 de jun. de 2024 · En havsbaserad vindkraftspark, Olof Skötkonung, planeras i Sveriges ekonomiska zon. Vindkraftsparken planeras att bestå av upp till 65 vindkraftverk med en totalhöjd på upp till 370 meter och effekt på 25 MW eller upp till 88 vindkraftverk med en totalhöjd på upp till 350 meter och effekt på 20 MW.