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  1. Hace 2 días · Cessatech A/S anunció que en su Junta General Extraordinaria celebrada el 5 de julio de 2024, tomó nota de que Peter Birk Rasmussen abandonaba el Consejo de Administración. La junta general resolvió por unanimidad elegir a Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft como nuevo miembro del consejo.

  2. Hace 1 día · Proposal to elect Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft as a board member; It was noted that Peter Birk Rasmussen was leaving the Board of Directors. The general meeting unanimously resolved to elect Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft as a new board member. Clarification of clause 3.1.2 in the Articles of Association

  3. Hace 1 día · Cessatech has today appointed Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft to the Board of Directors at the Company's extraordinary general meeting. The appointment follows significant business progress over the last year. In addition, Peter Birk has resigned as a member of the Board of Directors to focus on other activities. Anders comes with long-standing medical and commercial background in senior ...

  4. 20 de jun. de 2024 · Changes in the Board of Directors, Peter Birk Rasmussen is leaving the Board of Directors and the Board of Directors propose Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft is elected as board member. Re. 2.2 Clarification of clause 3.1.2 in the Articles of Association.

  5. Hace 2 días · c5e4f1e4ba9dfc9ffe2516efe83454df.P0-FLDiZBGgMt6F3Ci68b615IkaUQVgAXiCmmXGUF3M.dRCxX0H1Qj1-hZA_J3flWO8ddHfVAwhrbk7uryL-RxJOJOdrFd1KKj7-4A Log in

  6. Hace 2 días · Forskningsbolaget Cessatech meddelar två styrelseförändringar. Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft har blivit utsedd till ny styrelseledamot samtidigt som Peter Birk avgår för att fokusera på andra aktiviteter, framgår det av ett pressmeddelande. Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft beskrivs sitta på en mångårig medicinsk och kommersiell bakgrund.

  7. Hace 1 día · CessatechCessatech has today appointed Anders Dyhr Dombernowsky-Toft to the Board of Directors at the Company's extraordinary general meeting. The appointment follows significant business progress over the last year. In addition, Peter Birk has resigned as a member of the Board of Directors to focu…