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  1. La posición que adoptan las manos se llaman mudras y es una técnica para dar mensajes claros al sistema cuerpo-mente. Del mismo modo en que las letras son combinadas en multitud de formas para formar diferentes palabras, así los dedos pueden también construir diferentes mudras.

  2. › wiki › MudraMudra - Wikipedia

    Mudra is used in the iconography of Hindu and Buddhist art of the Indian subcontinent and described in the scriptures, such as Nātyaśāstra, which lists 24 asaṁyuta ("separated", meaning "one-hand") and 13 saṁyuta ("joined", meaning "two-hand") mudras. Mudra positions are usually formed by both the hand and the fingers.

  3. 9 de jun. de 2022 · ¿Qué son los mudras en yoga? Un mudra es un gesto o sello utilizado en yoga. La práctica de estos gestos y sellos canaliza el flujo de la fuerza vital prana. Existen muchos mudras. Se clasifican en mudras de mano (hasta), mudras de cuerpo (kaya) y mudras de conciencia (citta). Normalmente solemos usar mudras de mano. Ayurveda y mudras

  4. 8 de nov. de 2021 · What are Mudras in Yoga? A m udra is a gesture or seal used in yoga. The practice of these gestures and seals channel the flow of prana life force. There are many mudras. They are categorized as hand hasta mudras, body (kaya) and consciousness (citta) mudras. We commonly use hand mudras.

  5. 6 de oct. de 2020 · Mudras allow us to go inward and recharge our energy levels. The term mudra applies to the use of hand gestures during meditation that carry specific goals of channeling your body’s energy flow. There are more than 100 known mudras that have been developed over the centuries.

  6. 17 de feb. de 2024 · Mudras, powerful physical gestures in yoga, exert subtle effects on the body to replenish and revitalize energy. Each hand mudra corresponds to elemental energies, influencing specific brain centers. By balancing air, fire, water, earth, and ether elements, mudras facilitate healing and health restoration.

  7. 14 de jun. de 2022 · What is Mudra. Hasta Mudras—literally meaning seals, stamps, or gestures—are sacred hand movements that have been used for thousands of years in many different traditions as a way of deepening one’s practice and awakening the power of the Divine.

  8. Mudras – meaning ‘seal’, mark’ or ‘gesture’ in Sanskrit – are said to intensify the effects of our yoga or meditation practice and enhance the flow of energy. But how does this work and when might we use mudras in our practice?

  9. 21 de abr. de 2024 · Therefore, by placing our hands in these intentional mudras, we’re stimulating our body and mind in complex ways. Read on to discover the healing powers of some common mudras and learn how to practice them yourself!

  10. › learn › mudrasMudras • Yoga Basics

    12 de ene. de 2005 · Mudras (gesture, seal) are subtle physical movements of the hands, face, and or body. Complex mudras involve the whole body in a combination of asana, pranayama, bandha and visualization, while simple mudras range from hand positions to meditation techniques.

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