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  1. Hace 1 día · Otto von Bismarck: Estadista y político alemán, artífice de la unificación alemana y del posterior peso político internacional del país. Fases del Proceso Unificador. La guerra de los ducados. En 1864, una coalición de prusianos y austriacos arrebató a Dinamarca los ducados de Holstein y Schleswig, de población y habla alemana.

  2. Hace 6 días · Los últimos meses de vida del famoso estadista alemán Otto von Bismarck fueron completamente opuestos a lo que había vivido anteriormente. Bismarck, que se había convertido casi en una leyenda, había sido un modelo a seguir para los políticos de su época, pero pasó los últimos años de su vida aislado en su Palacio Friedrichsruh en una ...

  3. Hace 5 días · Bismarck’s most important diplomatic objective was to prevent France from allying itself with either Austria-Hungary or Russia to create a coalition of enemies in both the east and the west. In 1873 he negotiated the Three Emperors’ League with Russia and Austria-Hungary.

  4. 10 de jun. de 2024 · This article aims to delve into the multifaceted legacy of Otto von Bismarck, examining his political strategies, military campaigns, and enduring influence. As we explore his life and legacy, we’ll uncover how Bismarck’s shrewd diplomacy and ruthless pragmatism helped to shape the modern world.

  5. 13 de jun. de 2024 · This essay explores the multifaceted legacy of Otto von Bismarck through the lenses of his diplomatic strategies, domestic policies, and the long-term impacts of his actions on Germany and Europe.

  6. 28 de jun. de 2024 · The revolution of 1848 saw the democratic and liberal character shifted to German nationalism under the pragmatic realpolitik led by Prussian prime minister Otto von Bismarck. Merritt indicates that Bismarck developed ideas of extending the hegemony of Hohenzollern in all the states in Germany.

  7. 11 de jun. de 2024 · Otto von Bismarck Efforts to craft a constitutional solution for the Schleswig-Holstein crisis continued through the 1850s, but the short-term result was the achievement of the Eider-Danes’ ideal , a Danish policy that brought Schleswig and Denmark together, with Holstein left out.