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  1. The Wickersdorf Free School Community (German: Freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf) was a progressive school in Germany, founded by Gustav Wyneken and Paul Geheeb in 1906.

  2. Die Freie Schulgemeinde in Wickersdorf bei Saalfeld am östlichen Rand des Thüringer Waldes, auch F.S.G. bzw. FSG, war ein Landerziehungsheim und bedeutendes reformpädagogisches Schulprojekt in Deutschland. Sie wurde am 1.

  3. Gustav Wyneken (1875–1964) was a German pedagogue and founder of the Wickersdorf Free School Community. He was also a leader in the German Youth Movement and briefly contributed to school policy during the German revolutionary period after World War I.

  4. Die freie Schulgemeinde Wickersdorf 1906-1945 ( Autor: Peter Dudek, Jahr: 2009, Ort: Bad Heilbrunn) Literatur zur Schule in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek.

  5. and headed a model boarding school, Wickersdorf (1906-10), where Benjamin was once a pupil. Wickersdorf was a co-educational 'Free School Community' in which pupils and teachers assembled to decide disciplinary matters jointly. When Der Anfang was founded, the editors gained Wyneken's Denmark in the 1920s; he was still alive in 1943.

  6. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Jump to navigation Jump to search Wickersdorf Free School Community ... Wickersdorf Free School Community German progressive school. Upload media

  7. The Free School Community Wickersdorf was regarded by them as realisation of an ideal type of communal education. Wyneken´s claim to absolute leadership, his self-image as founder of a religion, authoritarian regime at Wickersdorf and conviction as pederast led to his inevitable downfall.