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  1. The educational center and scientific institution “Herder Institute in Riga” (HI) was a university whose history (1921-1939) and contribution to the genesis of modern science have an important place in the context of Latvia, Europe and the world.

  2. The educational center and scientific institution “Herder Institute in Riga” (HI) was a university whose history (1921-1939) and contribution to the genesis of modern science have an important place in the context of Latvia, Europe and the world.

  3. 13 de may. de 2014 · Das Herderinstitut zu Riga war eine private deutsche Hochschule in Lettland. Es war ein Phänomen der Zeit zwischen den beiden Weltkriegen: Es hat einen festen Anfang – 1921 – und einen festen Endtermin – Oktober 1939. Dazwischen liegen 18 Jahre seiner Existenz und Wirksamkeit.

  4. The educational center and scientific institution “Herder Institute in Riga” (HI) was a university whose history (1921-1939) and contribution to the genesis of modern science have an important place in the context of Latvia, Europe and the world.

  5. Rīgas Herdera institūts (vācu: Herder Institut in Riga; latīņu: Institutum Herderianum Rigense) bija privāta augstskola Rīgā (1921—1939), kas gatavoja vācbaltiešu teologus, skolotājus un sabiedriskos darbiniekus.

  6. 12 de dic. de 2022 · Abstract. Herdera institūts Rīgā un LU starp zinātnes diskursiem un kultūrpolitiku, personībām un laikmeta dinamiku. Jaunas izpētes iespējas ved pie Eiropas zinātņu tīklojuma vēstures. Author Biography. Raivis Bičevskis, Latvijas Universitāte. Raivis Bičevskis, Dr. phil ., LU profesors.

  7. The Herder Institute is an internationally renowned center for research on Eastern Central Europe. As an institution of scientific infrastructure with infrastructural facilities and globally unique collections, the institute has an important profile.