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  1. Amestris, también conocida por Amastris o Amástride 1 (en griego, Άμηστρις, Άμαστρις), fue la esposa del rey persa Jerjes I y madre de Artajerjes I . Era hija de Ótanes. 2 Con Jerjes, Amestris fue madre de tres hijos: Artajerjes, Darío e Histaspes y dos hijas: Rodogine y Amitis. 3 .

  2. Amestris (アメストリス, Amesutorisu) is the country that serves as the principal setting of the Fullmetal Alchemist series. It is a unitary state under the rule of a parliamentary republic, with a population of about 50 million.

  3. Amestris. Lema: "Un pueblo, un estado, un líder". El Estado de Amestris es el país principal en la serie y en donde viven los protagonistas. Es una nación bastante grande. La provincia de Ishval es diferente al país en habitantes y cultura: La gente es muy religiosa y están en contra de la alquimia.

  4. › wiki › AmestrisAmestris - Wikipedia

    Amestris (Greek: Άμηστρις, Amēstris, perhaps the same as Άμαστρις, Amāstris, from Old Persian Amāstrī-, "strong woman") was an Achaemenid queen, wife of king Xerxes I and mother of king Artaxerxes I. She was poorly regarded by ancient Greek historians.

  5. Xerxes foi assassinado em 465 a.C., sendo sucedido por Artaxerxes I. Dario, filho mais velho de Xerxes, foi acusado injustamente de envolvimento no assassinato de seu pai e foi executado por seu irmão Artaxerxes. Améstris continuou influente após a morte de seu marido.

  6. Amestris - home to the famous Fullmetal Alchemist, and so much more. This scientifically advanced nation is a jewel of the anime world. Join me on a whirlwin...

  7. The State Military is the name given to the armed forces of Amestris. The Commander in Chief of the State Military is the Führer (President in the Viz Manga). Since its inception, Amestris has been a powerful country, promoting conflicts with its neighbor states and maintaining an extremely...

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