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  1. Learn about the school where Anne Frank attended kindergarten and primary school from 1934 to 1935. Find out its history, location, teachers, and memorial plaque.

  2. The 6th Montessori School Anne Frank (Dutch: 6e Montessorischool Anne Frank) (or Anne Frank School (Dutch: Anne Frankschool) for short) is a public Montessori primary school in the Rivierenbuurt, Amsterdam.

  3. Learn about the school where Anne Frank studied as a child and where one classroom is preserved in its original state. Discover how the school applies the Montessori method and offers a modern education.

  4. De 6e montessorischool Anne Frank is een openbare Montessori-basisschool in de Amsterdamse Rivierenbuurt, waarin “de oude Amsterdammer” en “de nieuwe International” samen leven en samen naar school gaan.

  5. Learn about Anne Frank's education at the Sixth Montessori School in Amsterdam from 1935 to 1941. See the dates, teachers, classmates and reasons for her attendance and deregistration.

  6. Learn about the school where Anne Frank was a pupil from 1934 to 1941 and how it follows the Montessori method. Find out about the school's history, enrolment, curriculum, assessment and documents.

  7. El 9 de abril de 1934, Ana Frank comienza el jardín de infancia en la Sexta Escuela Montessori de Ámsterdam. La escuela está a pocas cuadras de su casa y concurre a esa escuela primaria hasta 1941.