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  1. Ana de Brunswick-Luneburgo (6 de diciembre de 1502 en Celle-6 de noviembre de 1568 en Szczecin) fue una princesa de Brunswick-Luneburgo por nacimiento y por matrimonio duquesa de Pomerania.

  2. Anna of Brunswick-Lüneburg (6 December 1502 in Celle – 6 November 1568 in Szczecin) was a princess of Brunswick-Lüneburg by births and marriage Duchess of Pomerania.

  3. Anna Maria of Brunswick.Lüneberg, Duchess of Prussia (1532-1568) Biography. Anna Maria of Brunswick-Lüneberg was born in 1532 and died in 1568. In 1550 Anna Maria married the widowed Duke Albert of Prussia, which made her the Duchess of Prussia. The Duchess with choleric madness

  4. Anna Marie of Brunswick-Lüneburg was born on April 23 1532, in Hann. Münden, to Elisabeth of Brandenburg, Duchess of Brunswick-Calenberg-Göttingen.

  5. The Duchy of Brunswick-Lüneburg (German: Herzogtum Braunschweig und Lüneburg), or more properly the Duchy of Brunswick and Lüneburg, was a historical duchy that existed from the late Middle Ages to the Late Modern era within the Holy Roman Empire, until the year of its dissolution.

  6. Frederick III of Brunswick-Callenberg-Lüneburg (1424-1495) Elisabeth of Brandenburg (1510-1558) Eric II Duke of Brunswick (1528-1584) Anna Maria of Brunswick-Lüneberg (1532-1568) Wilhelm the Younger of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1535-1592) Friedrich Ulrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg (1591-1634) The Book. Further Reading

  7. The artist was a naïve successor to the tradition of German court portraiture established by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553) at the court of the Elector of Saxony at Wittenberg. Anna, daughter of William, Duke of Julich-Cleves-Berg, married in 1574, Philip Ludwig, Duke of Pfalz-Neuburg. Inscribed at the top in white: ANNA. PFALTGREFFIN BEI ...