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  1. El Conde Alfred Józef Potocki (29 de julio de 1817 o 1822, Łańcut - 18 de mayo de 1889, París) fue un noble polaco , terrateniente, monárquico liberal-conservador austriaco y Primer Ministro.

  2. Count Alfred Józef Potocki (Polish pronunciation: [pɔˈtɔt͡skʲi], 29 July 1817 or 1822, Łańcut – 18 May 1889, Paris) was a Polish aristocrat , landowner, and a liberal-conservative monarchist Austrian politician and Prime Minister.

  3. Alfred Józef Potocki herbu Pilawa (ur. 29 lipca 1817 lub 1822 w Łańcucie, zm. 18 maja 1889 w Paryżu) – polski arystokrata, II ordynat w Łańcucie. Minister rolnictwa i premier Austrii, Namiestnik Galicji, poseł na Sejm Krajowy Galicji, dożywotni członek austriackiej Rady Państwa,

  4. El Conde Alfred Józef Potocki fue un noble polaco , terrateniente, monárquico liberal-conservador austriaco y Primer Ministro.

  5. This article is a biography of Józef Alfred Potocki (1895-1968). From 1919 he worked in the Polish Ministry of Foreign affairs. In 1940 he was appointed Delegate of the Polish Red Cross in Lisbon, and in 1944 he became Minister Plenipotentiary of Poland in Spain.

  6. Count Józef Alfred Henryk Potocki (8 April 1895 – 12 September 1968) was a Polish nobleman and diplomat who served as the Polish government-in-exile's Ambassador to Spain.

  7. The best vodkas in the Austrian Empire. Labels from circa 1860 for bitter, aniseed and goldwasser liqueurs, produced by Alfred I Potocki by special privilege of the Austrian Emperor.