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  1. Sulejman Vokshi (1815 – 1890), also known as Sul Vokshi, was an Albanian military commander and a leader of the League of Prizren. As a member of the central committee of the league, particularly as the head of the finances commission, Vokshi was also an important leader of the organization's military branch and an officer of its ...

  2. Sylejman Vokshi (1815 – 1890) ishte komandant ushtarak shqiptar dhe udhëheqës i Lidhjes Prizrenit. Anëtar i Komitetit Qendror të Lidhjes si kreu i komisionit të financave, Vokshi ishte gjithashtu një drejtues i rëndësishëm i degës ushtarake të organizatës shqiptare dhe oficer i stafit të saj ushtarak.

  3. The League of Prizren, Alb. Lidhja e Prizrenit, no doubt initially had the tacit support of the Ottoman government. Among the most prominent participants of the League of Prizren were Abdyl bey Frashëri, Sulejman Vokshi and Ymer Prizreni.

  4. Sulejman Vokshi (1815 - 1890), also known as Sul Vokshi, was an Albanian military commander and a leader of the League of Prizren. As a member of the central committee of the league, particularly as the head of the finances commission, Vokshi was also an important leader of the organization's military branch and an officer of its military staff.

  5. Sulejman Vokshi was an Albanian military commander and leader of the League of Prizren. Career During the Tanzimat period he fought in the Albanian Revolt of 1843-1844, for participation he was interned in Anatolia.

  6. 8 de ago. de 2011 · Sulejman Vokshi. @SyleVokshi. Interested in current & Деятельность контрразведывательная и агентурная разведка (2 2X) and other offensive активные мероприятия in SE. 98 , Ft Mead, MD Joined August 2011. 516 Following.

  7. 20 de feb. de 2024 · Në cilësinë e kryetarit të shtabit të forcave shqiptare, Sulejman Vokshi mori pjesë në luftën e zhvilluar kundër forcave osmane të Dervish Pashës, për mbrojtjen e Lidhjes në Shtimje e Slivovë. Shfaqi qëndresë të patundur ndaj pushtuesit osman, edhe pas shpërndarjes së qeverisë së Lidhjes.