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  1. Deep Ocean. RECOMENDADO PARA TODOS LOS PÚBLICOS Un equipo de expertos se sumerge en las profundidades del océano, nunca antes exploradas, con el fin de obtener imágenes en 4K de las criaturas, y quizás resolver algún misterio.

  2. 1 de ene. de 2015 · The NHK team that captured the world's first footage of a live giant squid in its natural habitat is setting out for another deep-sea adventure. They will give us a look at the amazing life forms with luminous bodies that have survived the harsh, pitch-dark deep sea environment of the Pacific.

  3. Una tripulación de seis integrantes queda atrapada en una instalación submarina que se está inundando a gran velocidad como consecuencia de un sismo devastador. Su única oportunidad para sobrevivir es caminar a través del suelo marino hasta una lejana plataforma petrolífera abandonada.

  4. The NHK team that captured the world's first footage of a live giant squid in its natural habitat is setting out for another deep-sea adventure. They will give us a look at the amazing life forms with luminous bodies that have survived the harsh, pitch-dark deep sea environment of the Pacific.

  5. Deep Ocean: With David Attenborough. An exploration down the little known depths of the seas. The spherical transparent submarine, successfully captured the world's first moving images of a giant squid in its natural habitat, is used to encounter the living fossil species.

  6. Mountains of the Deep. In the vast South Atlantic, huge pods of dolphins, massive penguin colonies and the largest gathering of marine mammals on earth pack chains of extraordinary islands, created by powerful volcanic forces far below them.

  7. 31 de dic. de 2014 · The NHK team that captured the world's first footage of a live giant squid in its natural habitat is setting out for another deep-sea adventure. They will give us a look at the amazing life forms with luminous bodies that have survived the harsh, pitch-dark deep sea environment of the Pacific.