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  1. The Terra Nova Expedition, officially the British Antarctic Expedition, was an expedition to Antarctica which took place between 1910 and 1913. Led by Captain Robert Falcon Scott, the expedition had various scientific and geographical objectives.

  2. La Expedición Terra Nova (1910–1913), oficialmente conocida como la British Antarctic Expedition 1910, 1 fue la tercera de las exploraciones británicas en la Antártida durante el siglo XX y una de las más significativas de la edad heroica de la exploración de este continente.

  3. Led by Thomas Griffith Taylor, the leader of the geological team, these two small self-contained expeditions manhauled sledges with tents and supplies to last a few months. The first was dropped off at Butter Point on the mainland by the Terra Nova.

  4. La Expedición Terra Nova o la Expedición Antártica Británica (1910-1913) en la nave Terra Nova, fue liderada por Robert Scott. Esta expedición tenía el objetivo político de «alcanzar el Polo Sur para honrar al Imperio Británico».

  5. Terra Nova left New Zealand for the Ross Sea on November 29, 1910. Just two days later, the expedition nearly came to a bad end in a mighty storm. Too small for its load and packed to the brim, the leaky old whaler was at risk even before the storm brewed.

  6. Terra Nova takes 1st Western Party led by Debenham to Butter Point to map valleys and glaciers including the "Dry Valleys". 27th Jan 1911. Terra Nova sails to establish an eastern camp, turned back at Cape Colbeck, they sail towards Cape Adare. 3rd Feb 1911.

  7. 10 de jun. de 2020 · Robert Falcon Scott’s ship, the Terra Nova, sets sail from Cardiff, Wales on June 15, 1910, bound for Antarctica. Though it will succeed in reaching its objective, the expedition will end in...