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  1. The SS (short for Schutzstaffel, also known as the Elite Guard) are Machine Gun-wielding men in blue uniforms. These burly men are noticeably taller and larger than other human enemies. They have the highest HP in Wolfenstein 3D for regular enemies, requiring on average 5-7 bullets each to kill, and also move faster than regular guards .

  2. Guards (German: Wachen) (sometimes referred to as Nazi soldiers) are the most common enemies in Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny. Their only attack is a Pistol, and they must freeze and aim for a moment before they can fire. They have low HP and can easily be killed with a pistol or knife, dropping a clip with 4 bullets.

  3. This time, the guards are meant to look like the Allgemeine-SS, and as such, they have black uniforms with red Nazi armbands. Available here.

  4. SS Guard: The SS are well trained and can rarely be surprised. Most will bark a warning when they become aware of your presence. This can make for an easy head count. However, some are trained to be silent. Wearing bulletproof vests and carrying a machine gun, the SS are difficult to bring down and pack a heavy punch.

  5. The guard is the most common enemy in Wolfenstein 3D and appears in all of the Wolfenstein 3D family games. He is one of the slowest and easiest foes to dispose of. The guards patrol around environments or stand completely stationery until they are alarmed and then begin searching for the...

  6. The SS is the powerhouse enemy in Wolfenstein 3D and appears in all of the Wolfenstein 3D family games. The SS has the highest hitpoints and packs the biggest punch of any normal enemy in Wolfenstein. He's also faster than the normal guard and...

  7. 14 de feb. de 2003 · Also, before you go toe-to-toe with your enemy, you may want to clear the room of the 8 guards, 8 officers, and 7 SS that protect him, then use the strafing-and-shoot technique to defeat...