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  1. Download Story Planner: Maps: The journeys of Paul A free Story Planner PDF can be downloaded. It shows the images with a short description of what is happening in each scene.

  2. Map of the Missionary Journey's of Paul the Apostle in the First Century A.D. The missionary voyages of the apostle Paul from Jerusalem to Rome. This map also shows much of the Roman Empire in the time of Paul and his journeys.

  3. Interactive map with ancient and modern places overlaid with the routes of Paul's Missionary Journeys.

  4. Map of Paul's all Four Missionary Journeys. When we pronounce the name of the apostle Paul, the first thing that comes to mind is his travels and his apostolic travails by sea and on land for the purpose of taking the Word of God and the message of the Gospel everywhere and establish Christian communities outside of Israel.

  5. Basic Bible 101 © 2003 Margaret A. Smith Maps of Paul’s Missionary Journeys. Paul’s Third Missionary Journey. Paul’s Journey to Rome.

  6. This map provides the four major journeys of Apostle Paul. The first three journeys were missionary trips. The fourth journey involved Paul's arrest and his being taken to Rome under guard.

  7. Apostle Paul - Maps of His Journeys. by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson. Free E-mail Bible Study King Solomon: Wisdom, Wealth, Weakness. The Mediterranean World in Paul's Day (small) 2012. Tarsus of Cilicia, Paul's Home 2019 ( small) Paul's Early Travels (Eastern Mediterranean, 33-46 AD) 2019 ( small) Arabia in the Time of St. Paul 2019 ( small)