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  1. When those epoch-making cultural changes got underway in the ’60s, the Beats were naturally looked upon as mentor figures and elder statesmen, and Timothy Leary, who was of the same age group as them, was happy to recruit and induct them into the cause – through his Harvard program.

  2. In my view, Leary was a scientist, but his psychedelic transformation inspired him to abandon the scienti2c method and embark on what was essentially a social and spiritual crusade. Leary’s most ambitious psychedelic research project during his three years at Harvard was the Concord Prison Project.

  3. 23 de oct. de 2020 · Por su parte, Allen Ginsberg, pronto se unió al movimiento hippie de la mano del psicólogo Timothy Leary. Leary realizaba experimentos con LSD mientras ejercía como profesor e investigador en la universidad.

  4. Acid Dreams traces the way the drug intensified each stage of counter-cultural transition to break the “mind-forged manacles” of a new generation in rebellion. In Acid Dreams, Martin Lee and Bruce Shalin have written the history of a time still only dimly understood.

  5. 1 de oct. de 2013 · The archives of the one-time Harvard psychologist who became an evangelist for the mind-expanding potential of hallucinogenic drugs in the 1960s have found a new home at the New York Public ...

  6. In 1961, Leary gave psilocybin to all the important members of the Beat Generation and asked them to report on their experiences. Finally, in 1962 Timothy Leary took LSD for the first time.

  7. Se conoce como Beat Generation a un movimiento literario formado por un grupo de amigos que desde mediados de los años cuarenta habían trabajado juntos escribiendo poesía y prosa, y que compartían una idea de cultura y aficiones o fuentes de inspiración similares, tales como el jazz.