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  1. 21 de jun. de 2023 · From Pathfinder to Call of Cthulhu, Shadowrun to Savage Worlds, and many more, each game presents its own distinct setting, mechanics, and storytelling opportunities. Exploring these diverse TTRPGs allows players to broaden their horizons and discover new realms of adventure and imagination.

  2. Shadowrun ofrece un sistema de reglas único que combina elementos de Dungeons and Dragons con una ambientación futurista y ciberpunk. Prepárate para enfrentarte a corporaciones poderosas, criaturas mágicas y hackers en un entorno lleno de conspiraciones y peligros.

  3. Jugué Dungeons and Dragons 2nd, 3th Edition, 3.5, 5th Edition, FATE, Pathfinder 1 y un poquito de Pathfinder 2. Actualmente dirijo el módulo Dungeon of the Mad Mage y una aventura basada en Wildemount (el mundo de Matthew Mercer). Con mi grupo jugamos todas las semanas al menos 3-4 horas.

  4. 14 de ene. de 2019 · Cuando hablamos de alternativas a Dungeons and Dragons quizás la principal alternativa obvia que nos viene a mente es Pathfinder. Este juego de Paizo fue publicado en 2009 usando las reglas de Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 publicadas bajo la Open Gaming License (OGL).

  5. 11 de ago. de 2020 · Shadowrun is the merging of typical TTRPG Tolkienesque fantasy with a grim cyberpunk future complete with high technology. Cybernetics, AI, Guns, High Magic, and every fantasy race you can think of co-exist in this world.

  6. 18 de jul. de 2015 · Pathfinder is more refined overall, and by making a proper Shadowrun-to-Pathfinder conversion, then it would be just that little bit easier to integrate all of the existing Pathfinder material into your setting.

  7. 25 de ene. de 2023 · While fantasy-themed TTRPGs like Pathfinder are a reliable alternative for D&D players who want to stick with what they know, Catalyst Game Labs' Shadowrun is an excellent choice for those seeking a different kind of fantasy adventure.