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  1. El alción de Esmirna (Halcyon smyrnensis) [2] es una especie de ave coraciforme de la familia Halcyonidae que vive en el sur de Asia. [3] Es un ave sedentaria en la mayor parte de su área de distribución aunque algunas poblaciones realizan desplazamientos cortos.

  2. The white-throated kingfisher (Halcyon smyrnensis) also known as the white-breasted kingfisher is a tree kingfisher, widely distributed in Asia from the Sinai east through the Indian subcontinent to China and Indonesia.

  3. Halcyon smyrnensis ( Linnaeus, C 1758) The white-throated kingfisher also known as the white-breasted kingfisher is a tree kingfisher, widely distributed in Asia from the Sinai east through the Indian subcontinent to China and Indonesia.

  4. Halcyon smyrnensis smyrnensis, one of the two larger subspecies, ranges from the Gulf of Khambhat in India west to Saudi Arabia. This subspecies is bright blue-green above and has pale brown underparts. Halcyon smyrnensis fusca is a resident in the whole of India and

  5. Established in 1964, the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species has evolved to become the world’s most comprehensive information source on the global conservation status of animal, fungi and plant species.

  6. Large-headed, predominantly brown kingfisher with electric-blue back and wings, heavy red bill, and snow-white patch from the throat through the breast. Common both near and away from water; frequently seen perched on fence posts and telephone lines near wetlands, lakes, agricultural fields, and clearings.

  7. 23 de ene. de 2023 · El alción de Esmirna (Halcyon smyrnensis), es una especie de ave migratoria de talla mediana conocida por migrar entre Europa y África durante la estación reproductiva.