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  1. Una novela muy seductora, negra y divertida. Los críticos han comparado a su autor con Cormac McCarthy, pero éste es más bien hijo de Faulkner, mientras que DeWitt es sobrino de Mark Twain y primo hermano de los hermanos Coen, si de parentescos literarios se trata.

  2. Patrick deWitt, acclaimed author of Ablutions, doffs his hat to the classic Western, and then transforms it into a comic tour-de-force with an unforgettable narrative voice that captures all the absurdity, melancholy, and grit of the West — and of these two brothers, bound to each other by blood and scars and love.

  3. 5 de ene. de 2012 · Hermann Kermit Warm is going to die. Across 1000 miles of Oregon desert his assassins, the notorious Eli and Charlies Sisters, ride - fighting, shooting, and drinking their way to Sacramento.

  4. Hermann Kermit Warm is going to die. The enigmatic and powerful man known only as the Commodore has ordered it, and his henchmen, Eli and Charlie Sisters, will make sure of it. Though Eli doesn’t share his brother’s appetite for whiskey and killing, he’s never known anything else.

  5. Sinopsis de LOS HERMANOS SISTERS. Charlie y Eli Sisters viven en Oregon City y trabajan para el Comodoro, un magnate y quizá aspirante a político que mueve muchos hilos en las sombras y tiene múltiples y variados negocios. Los hermanos, todo hay que decirlo, son sus matones y a veces sus verdugos.

  6. Hermann Kermit Warm is going to die. The enigmatic and powerful man known only as the Commodore has ordered it, and his henchmen, Eli and Charlie Sisters, will make sure of it. Though Eli doesn’t share his brother’s appetite for whiskey and killing, he’s never known anything else.

  7. Hermann Kermit Warm is going to die. The enigmatic and powerful man known only as the Commodore has ordered it, and his henchmen, Eli and Charlie Sisters, will make sure of it. Though Eli doesn't share his brother's appetite for whiskey and killing, he's never known anything else.