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  1. 11 de jul. de 2017 · Little Red Riding Hood: plot summary. A young village girl who lives with her mother is given a little red riding-hood to wear, and everyone starts to refer to her as ‘the Little Red Riding-Hood’ on account of it. One day, the girl’s mother asks her to go and visit her grandmother, who lives in the next village, through the forest.

  2. 1.A girl called Little Red Riding Hood (after the red, hooded cloak she wears)指披着红斗篷的小女孩。. 也就是我们熟悉的小红帽。. 格林童话 最初是由德语写成的。. 2.Riding hood : A kind of cloak with a hood.(一种带帽子的披风)The girl after the red hooded cape/cloak (小红帽,她穿着红色连帽 ...

  3. Red Riding Hood – Unter dem Wolfsmond (Originaltitel: Red Riding Hood) ist ein Fantasy-Thriller der Regisseurin Catherine Hardwicke mit Amanda Seyfried und Gary Oldman in den Hauptrollen. Der Filmtitel verweist auf das Märchen Rotkäppchen, das im Englischen Little Red Riding Hood heißt; auch die Handlung enthält Motive daraus.

  4. ny up. He got into Granny’s bed. A little later, Little. Red Riding Hood reached. e house. She looked at the wolf. . Granny, what big eyes you have!’‘All the better. see you with!’ said the wolf. . Granny, what big ears you have!’‘All the better. o hear you with!’ said the wolf.‘G. anny, what a big nose you have!’‘All the ...

  5. Little Red Riding Hood(IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH) Play audio. Show all translations? Había una vez, en medio de un espeso bosque, una casita donde vivía una pequeña y bonita niña llamada Caperucita Roja. Un día soleado, su madre la llamó a la cocina de su pequeña casa. Translate?

  6. Little Red Riding Hood, also known as Little Red Cap, is a famous fairy tale about a young girl and a Big Bad Wolf, most famously told by the Brothers Grimm. The story has been retold through several versions during its history and subject to numerous modern adaptations and readings. The story revolves around a girl called Little Red Riding ...

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